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New Orleans


World War II Museum: Formerly known as the National D-Day Museum, this is a museum focused on the contributions made by the United States to victory by the Allies in World War II, and the Battle of Normandy in particular.

New Orleans

With a history of influences from Europe, the Caribbean and beyond, a truly unique melting pot of culture, food and music await you on a bus tour to New Orleans, Louisiana. A memorable sightseeing tour of New Orleans includes famous New Orleans attractions and time in the city's historic French Quarter, the oldest and most famous and visited neighborhood in New Orleans. In addition, your New Orleans vacation includes visits to the only World War II Memorial in the United States, the National World War II Museum, a place where you can experience World War II through the eyes of those who lived through it. Featuring New Orleans many historic charms, it diverse culture and top New Orleans attractions, your New Orleans vacation will give you insight into why Mark Twain once called New Orleans the only unique city in the United States.